This form should be completed prior to the meeting by a homeowner with legal status in the property, who cannot attend the meeting in person.  To vote through a proxy, both, the requesting homeowner and the proxy voter must be current with annual dues, assessments, or penalty payments to the Forge Reserve Homeowners Association.

To cast a ballot, one must either do so in person (secret ballot) or by completing the proxy form with either instructions for the proxy to cast your vote, or by selecting a name or names from the list of homeowners. If a given homeowner does not run for office, does not accept a nomination, or does not receive enough votes, the remaining valid votes (if any) will still be counted and applied to valid candidates. Only one Board member/officer may be nominated or serve per property. If more than one candidate from the same property receives the top five number of votes, one person must concede or the person with the least number of votes will be eliminated from consideration.

Want to run for a Board of Director Position but unable to attend?

Complete the BOD Candidate Proxy Form (PDF)

Officers will be determined at the first Board meeting, if selected, the Board will attempt to contact you by phone during the officer selection process.

To ensure more than one property vote is not made by proxy, there is no expectation of privacy of who voted, but the actual vote may be kept secret by ballot sealed within an envelope per instructions on the ballot until read by the meeting presider or third-party.